Kata Bunkai DVD
Sanchin kata is the foundational kata for both Naha and Fugian
White Crane Gung-fu fighting traditions. The Chito-Ryu version of
this kata is unique in its complexity and length as compared to
all other versions practiced in Okinawa and Japan and may very well
be an older and more original version. In his book 100 Okinawian
Karate Masters, Hanshi Tetsuhiro Hokama lists Doctor Chitose's
Sanchin kata as Koryu (ancient or original) Sanchin. The present
day practice of this kata as viewed by most karataka emphasizes
very strong muscular contraction as a strength training exercise
that also teaches powerful Ibuki (breathing) and the ability to
withstand body blows. Although the whole body muscular contraction
method of practice accomplishes these aforementioned goals, the
rigidity of this practice all but robs this kata of its martial
applicability and relegates it to a supplementary exercise. In this
first of its kind video Valentino Sensei
explains and demonstrates the techniques, movements and partner
practices of Chito-Ryu Sanchin, re-establishing the fighting application
components to this important kata. In doing so, he reveals the internal
and external principles of body movement and fluidity that establish
the Chito-Ryu version of this kata as an arsenal of dynamic, fluid,
fast and powerful fighting techniques.
video sample (QuickTime Media Player):
Low Resolution
- 5 MB
High Resolution
- 13 MB
download to your desktop, right mouse click and select "Save
Target As."
and Pricing
$35.00 ea. + $2.00 per DVD shipping/handling (U.S. currency)
Canada: $35.00 ea + $5.50 per DVD shipping/handling (U.S.
For shipments outside of North America, please email Valentino
Sensei at
for shipping/handling fees.
Please complete an Order
Form (PDF) and include a money order or check payable to:
205 Elgins Court
Evans City, PA 16033
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